Linguistics research
From the start of her research career she has been involved in a number of Spanish and European research projects. She has undertaken research and teaching work in several institutions.
Research and teaching contracts in universities, foundations and official organisations.
Marta Pino’s professional experience as a researcher and teacher has been gained in the institutions listed below.
Real Academia Española (Madrid)
Technical expert in charge of the codification of the CREA and CORDE language corpora and responsible for the oral corpus of the Real Academia Española (1995-2000).
Other contracts in universities, fundations and official organisations.
PhD Thesis
(Transitive Passive and Impersonal Constructions in Spanish)
In addition to developing a statistical analysis of the data, a qualitative study was also undertaken based on a detailed event typology. By means of corpus analysis it was found that there is a strong tendency to codify telic events in a passive way (achievements and completed actions), whereas they are not normally codified with this type of structure in atelic events (activities). It was also found that it is not enough to describe the differences between pronominal and participle passives in terms of existence/non-existence of generic events. In passive structures each auxiliary imposes its own eventive restrictions in the selection of types of events.
In terms of distribution by media, a much higher density of participle passives was observed in the press than on the radio and the television. The density of pronominal impersonal and passive constructions is higher in oral than in written media.
Supervisors and Examining Board
Supervisors: Dr. Mª José Rodríguez Espiñeira (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) and Dr. Carmen Silva Corvalán (Southern California University)
Examining Board
Dr. José Manuel Blecua Perdices (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Board Members
Dr. Ignacio Bosque Muñoz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Dr. Agustín Vera Luján (Universidad de Murcia)
Dr. Nicole Delbecque (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Dr. Jesús Pena Seijas (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
The thesis was funded by Fundación Caja Madrid
CD-ROM (ISBN: 84-8121-820-0)
Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Campus Universitario Sur
Tel. +34 981 593500 · Fax +34 981 593963
Research Projects
Estructura de la cláusula (Structure of the Clause). Diccionario de Construcción y Régimen del Español Actual.
Funding body: Xunta de Galicia
Duration: 1995 – 1996
Principal researcher: Guillermo Rojo
Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (Reference Corpus of Current Spanish).
Reference: APC96-0140
Funding body: Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
Duration: 1995 – 1997
Principal researcher: Guillermo Rojo
Duration: 1998 – 2000
Principal researcher: Guillermo Rojo
Tesoro lexigráfico del español de Murcia (II) (Lexicographic Treasure of the Spanish of Murcia II).
Duration: 1999 – 1999
Principal researcher: José Perona Sánchez
Hacia el análisis automático del régimen verbal en español (Towards Automatic Analysis of the Verbal Regime in Spanish).
Funding body: Xunta de Galicia
Duration: 1995 – 1996
Principal researcher: Guillermo Rojo
Corpus Diacrónico del Español (Diachronic Corpus in Spanish).
Duration: 1995 – 1997
Principal researcher: Guillermo Rojo
Tesoro lexigráfico del español de Murcia (I) (Lexicographic Treasure of the Spanish of Murcia I).
Duration: 1998 – 1998
Principal researcher: José Perona Sánchez
MATE (Multilevel Annotation, Tools Engineering), LEA-8370.
Duration: 1998 – 1998
Principal researcher: Laila Dybkjær